Request Received!

We received your demo request for Juander. Someone from our team will get in touch with you for the next step. For the meantime you have an can test-drive Juander using this PUBLIC DEMO SITE. Please take note that other people are also using this demo site so only upload non-confidential information and contents. Contents on the public demo might also be deleted from time to time to free up disk space. See the login details below

Admin Account
Click the actual email & password below to copy

Email: [email protected]

Password: LkPMlXJLdHd-OjU2aadi=/%.Z<

Login to Juander Demo

Creator Account
Click the actual email & password below to copy

Email: [email protected]

Password: 2OMDd2EGhQDO7quABaV!]

Login to Juander Demo

Learner Account
Click the actual email & password below to copy

Email: [email protected]

Password: mk8hS491eoQ%<&2u6&wUJv

Login to Juander Demo